
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Board Games Galore :)

Yesterday, I got a text from one of my most loyal blog readers (my Auntie Norma!) asking if I could share some Board Game recommendations on my blog! I love, love, love board games and was so excited about this post idea! I considered making this part of my little 'Top 5' series but I have way more than 5 board games that I love, so I'm just sharing them all!

1 - Dixit
This is my family's latest find and we love it so much! It accommodates 3-6 players and involves interpreting art work. I love that there is no language associated with this game (you can play in any language) and the artwork on the cards is so beautiful!

2 - Say Anything
I got this game for Christmas a couple of years a go and it quickly became a go to in my house! 3-8 people can play, but I especially love playing with a big group of people! The game involves the 'judge' picking a card that has a question on it like 'In my opinion, what would make the world a better place?' All of the other players write what they think the judge believes would make the world a better place on their little whiteboards. During this game, you will be  guessing, betting and laughing a whole lot! 
3 - Apples to Apples
Many of you have probably already heard of Apples to Apples, but I had to mention it! It works great with a large crowd and is just so much fun! There are two piles of cards in this game - green cards (with adjectives on them) and red cards (with nouns on them). The 'judge' picks a green card, then every other player has to put in a red card from their hand that best fits the green card. The judge picks the red card that they think best describes the green card and the person who played that card is the winner of that round.

4 - Scribblish
This game is all about drawing - you get a card describing what you need to draw, then you pass it off and the person next to you needs to guess what you drew. This cycle continues 3 or 4 times until you have a sentence completely different from the original! This game is funny, but even more funny if you are playing with people who aren't good drawers! This game is made for 4-6 players.

5 - Bounce Off
This game is like Tic Tac Toe, but instead you are bouncing a ball into a spot to try to make a shape. While you are doing this your opponent is trying to make the same shape, so you could choose to play offensively or defensively! This game accommodates 2-4 players.

6 - Mad Gab

This game is challenging but so much fun! This makes a great party game like Apples to Apples because it can accommodate a large group of people. This game is full of cards that say things like 'Eye Pillow Fizz Sigh' and you have to repeat the phrase out loud over and over until it begins to make sense. 'Eye Pillow Fizz Sigh' translates to 'Apple of his eye.' 

7 - Word on the Street
My family was gifted this game a few years and it just never gets old! It involves coming up with words that include as many letters as possible based on a prompt given by the deck of cards. The goal is to get as many letters as possible to your side of the street. Like Apples to Apples & Mad Gab this game is great for a crowd! 

8 - Taboo
This is an oldie but a goodie & also great for a crowd. One player is given a card with a word at the top and several words underneath. The goal is to get their team members to guess the word at the top of the card without using any of the words on the bottom of the card. 

9 - Codenames
This is also a vocabulary game that can cater to a fairly large crowd! This game takes on a spy theme and asks the 'head operative' to give hints to their 'field operatives' that will help them uncover which words are needed to solve their mission. Thus game is a little tricky at first but it is so much fun once you get the hang of it!

10 - 5 Second Rule
You may have seen this game on Ellen - she often plays it with her guests and it is too funny! It is so easy to play - the game comes with a timer and a deck of cards that list different categories. When a category is read, your team has 5 seconds to list 3 items that fall into that category! This game is relatively easy and great for a crowd of mixed ages! 

11 - Scattergories
I have been playing this game with my family for as long as I can remember - even before I knew my letters well enough to play! I remember just writing my name over and over again on every line along with the occasional 'dog,' 'ball,' or 'cat!' Every round, a dice is rolled (my favorite dice in the whole wide world!) and a letter is assigned based on how the dice lands. The players then decide on a numbered category card where they will have to fill in 12 categories with words starting with the assigned letter.
12 - Spot It
There are a variety of games that can be played with these fun circular cards! Each card has a series of images on the that you will be asked to match up in different ways depending on the game! This is a great game to travel with because it is so compact! 

As I was looking up these games, I found that many of them (almost all!) have a junior version available. Most of these games are already pretty kid friendly, but the junior version is a great option for those of you with little kiddos! 

Please let me know if you have any board game recommendations for me! We love a good family game night night in my house! 

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