
Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Favorites: Merry Christmas

Happy Friday! I am so excited for all of the Christmas festivities to come this weekend! Last year, I did a wrap up of all of our Christmas fun and I can't wait to share again this year! I will be sure to take lots and lots of pictures! I will be taking Monday (Christmas day) off to celebrate with my family but I will be back Tuesday.

1. I mentioned Hallmark movies a couple Fridays ago and I am still going through them like crazy! My two recent favorite have been Merry Matrimony and My Christmas Love.  I have so many on my DVR that I am ever so slowly working through. What is your favorite Hallmark movie?
2. I finally saw Wonder! I'm pretty sure I just cried all the way through it, but it was so good! There are so many precious moments! I highly recommend reading the book first, but the movie is definitely a must-see!
3. On Sunday and Monday I helped my mom get all of the Christmas wrapping done. Oh my goodness! These are the gifts that we are giving to family and friends and this is really what our basement has looked like all week! So much Christmas, right!? I love it!
4. This morning, I am off to visit my first graders! I am going in for their Christmas breakfast and secret Santa! I figured since I was going for their breakfast, I should participate in the pot luck. So, I made them some mini apple muffins - you can find the recipe HERE. It took me forever to finally decide what to bake for them and I am still second guessing if this is the right thing! I don't often bake for 39 six year olds - do six year olds even eat muffins!? We shall see!
5. As I am writing this post, I am sitting in front of the beautiful twinkle lights of the Christmas tree! Isn't it stunning!? I am soaking in all of the Christmas that I can! I love the smell of the pine tree, the twinkle of the lights and the quiet Christmas jazz!

***I'm Linking up with Katie from Cup of Tea, Della from Della Devoted, Tif from Bright on a Budget and Becky from byBMG for High Five for Friday, Andrea from Momfessionals, Narci from Grace and Love blog and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for Five on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for Friday Favorites. 

See you on Tuesday! Merry Christmas, sweet readers!


  1. Writing in front of the Christmas tree is just the best, isn't it? Happy Holidays!

    1. Totally! Thank you for reading! Happy Holidays to you too :)
