
Friday, December 1, 2017

Friday Favorites: My Last Day

Happy Friday & Happy December! I am so excited to finally be writing December! It's December! Wahoo! That means we are even closer to Christmas! While I am excited for all of the holiday things to come I am so not excited about today! Today is my last day student teaching :( And I was already feeling it yesterday! During any quiet time yesterday, I would look around the room and do my best to soak it all in, then do my best not to cry! I am really going to miss these kids! I know there will be parts of today that are sad, but just like any day there will be parts that are oh so sweet! I'm going to bask in all of the sweetness today!

1. Have you seen this video by Gatorade!? It features Serena Williams and her sweetest newborn baby girl! This video is so powerful and I think I was so impacted by it because it is so true! I feel so fortunate to have been able to try so many sports in my life. In this video, Serena Williams says "you'll discover the power and grace of your body" through sport. And that is exactly what I love so much about figure skating - I am given the opportunity to grow both strength and grace!
2. A student gave me this note when he got to school yesterday and my heart just melted into a puddle! I am fluent in grade one phonetic/invented spelling now, so let me translate for you! "I hope you have a good time with your new school. What class will you be in and tell em what you did with your class? I will miss you. Please write back." Is that not the best note ever?! And this note solidified that six is my favorite! I love these six year olds - I love their innocence, their genuine curiosity and their capacity to love. I will miss them so so much! 

3. And how could I leave without sprinkling a little festive love around the school!? This is what I'm hauling to school this morning! Gift giving is one of my favorite things! I am so excited to give these out tomorrow and thank the fabulous people who have lead me through the best internship! I will talk more about what I gifted to who next week!
4. I shared a really yummy gluten free recipe on Wednesday - you can find it HERE. I loved these cookies because they were easy to make and the end result was so delicious! I promise people won't even guess that they're gluten free!

5. Our Elf on the Shelf - Arty is making her grand entrance this morning! She always enters with style and brings a whole lot of crazy to the holiday season! Last year, I did a terrible job tracking all of the little pranks I used with our elf. I will do my best to take pictures of every prank this year and do little wrap ups (maybe weekly...?) to give you some ideas! And since we are on this topic, if you have any ideas for me, please share! I always run out of steam after 10-15 days so if you have any great elf pranks, please let me know!! 24 days until Christmas!

***I'm Linking up with Katie from Cup of Tea, Della from Della Devoted, Tif from Bright on a Budget and Becky from byBMG for High Five for Friday, Andrea from Momfessionals, Narci from Grace and Love blog and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for Five on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for Friday Favorites. 

See you on Monday with Christmas music! :)


  1. How sweet is that note from your student?! You must have done a great job as a student teacher! Congrats on completing it!!

    1. Isn't it the sweetest!? Thank you so much, Sara!
