
Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Favorites: Halfway through January

Hello Friday! I'm off of school today, so I will definitely be soaking up some down time but my 'to do' list is about a mile long! So, after some much needed down time I have to tackle some homework and run a few errands. As usual, I'm linking up with some other bloggers to share some highlights from my week!

1. Yes, I put a Gilmore Girls quote on my light box this week and I am so not ashamed of it! I love, love, love Gilmore Girls! I am watching it through a second time with my mom and the Bean and I am dreading it ending all over again. I was joking with my family the other day, saying I might just keep watching this series over and over so that it never has to end. I mean, totally crazy! But I love it! All the Gilmore Girls talk aside, this really is what my light box says this week because - holy snow!! We got so much snow this week!
2. After some chilly time outside on Saturday, the Bean and I came in for hot chocolates all around! After enduring the crazy cold and snow, I knew we needed a little extra treat. So, we enjoyed these decadent hot chocolates before parting ways to get some homework done.
3. This semester is all about late lectures for me and it is such a bummer! I am a morning person, so put me in a classroom after 3:00 and I just cannot keep up. I know it's only a matter of time before I become accustomed to this schedule, but until then, I am just trying to hold it together until I get home and crawl right into bed! When I was leaving the other night, I looked up to find this magnificent view! Yes, late night lectures are a bummer but this view was spectacular! I'm pretty darn lucky to go to school in such a beautiful city!

4. It has been a hot minute since I've actually watched the Golden Globes live. I typically tape award shows and fast forward through the highlights when I have a minute. This year, I am regretting not watching it live but I am so glad to have all of the highlights to look back on! From Natalie Portman's subtle but oh so perfect all men directors comment to Oprah's phenomenal speech to all of the women wearing black - what a powerful night! These little clips made me so proud to be a woman and so excited for what is to come for girls in this world!

5. On Monday, it was Martin Luther King Day. This holiday is more widely recognized in the Sates than it is, here in Canada. But I loved reading about him on Monday! I'm taking a human rights class this semester and we talked a lot about Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday. He is such an interesting man and the video above is my favorite little piece of my learning from Monday. I love Kid President. He tackles difficult topics with such grace. I love that he emphasized the importance of persevering with love. At one point in the video, he says "things aren't always awesome, but your response can be." So true! This can be applied to huge, complicated world issues but we can also apply this in our everyday lives. I loved this reminder!
6. I snapped this picture the other day when I was making banana bread. One bowl is gluten free and the other is just regular batter. This is life in our house. It's so interesting to note how things evolve over time. Last year, I was so discouraged about gluten free baking because it's hard. I'm used to being confident and comfortable in the kitchen but I was so not when I started experimenting with gluten free. Well, a year later (and after many sub-par recipes), I'm getting the hang of gluten free baking! I looked down and my counter and realized hey! This feels normal. Last year it was hard and frustrating and now, it's my new normal! And this is all much more philosophical than I intended it to be, but I guess if you work hard enough towards anything it can become a part of your 'normal'!

***I'm Linking up with Katie from Cup of Tea, Della from Della Devoted, Tif from Bright on a Budget and Becky from byBMG for High Five for Friday, Andrea from Momfessionals, Narci from Grace and Love blog and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for Five on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for Friday Favorites.  

I'm off to get my Friday on. See you on Monday :)


  1. I love gilmore girls and basically have been doing the same. I just keep rewatching it!

    1. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one! Thank you for reading, Monica :)
