
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pecan Pie (copycat) Lärabars

I realize I have shared so many lärabar recipes lately; they have been my go to snack and I have loved trying many different recipes! I made these pecan pie lärabars about a week ago and was so excited with how they turned out! I always try to get the Bean to cook with me but sometimes its like pulling teeth! With this particular recipe, I bribed her with a movie - ugh! I really wanted her help in the kitchen and I said she could choose a movie on Netflix to watch while we worked. Well this backfired because she got totally sucked into the movie and still wasn't in to helping! So she wasn't a great helper but she loved taste testing! The Bean loved these!
Start by adding 1 cup of pitted Medjool dates to the bowl of a food processor. Pulse the dates until they begin to break apart and form a paste. I add a little bit of warm water to the dates to thin them out a little bit - I add about 1 or 2 Tablespoons gradually until the dates are smooth. Once the dates have formed a paste, add in 1 cup of pecans and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. Pulse the pecans into the dates until everything holds together and is dough like. Once the pecans are chopped up and evenly distributed through the dates, transfer the bars to a mixing bowl.

I use a Cuisinart food processor and I love it! If you are looking for a great food processor to use in the kitchen, I found this article so helpful! They do such a great such of breaking down the best food processors. I love that they thoroughly analyze several brands and then report the best food processor over all but also which food processor is the most cost efficient. If you are shopping around for a new processor, this article will be your best friend!

Transfer the bars to your work surface lined with wax paper. I like to use a bit of a longer piece of wax paper so I can fold it over the bars, roll them out then use the wax paper to help me shape the bars.

The bars should be about a quarter of an inch thick - but this is flexible based on your preferences. Once your dough are rolled out, cut them into smaller bars. Wrap the bars individually in saran wrap and store them in the fridge or freezer. I like storing them in the freezer for a bit of a different end result. Also, if your bars are really soft, the freezer really helps them solidify.

yield: 12 - 16 bars

1 cup Medjool dates, pitted
1 cup pecans
1-2 teaspoons warm water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Pit the dates and add them to the bowl of a food processor. Pulse the dates until the are smooth. You may need to add some warm water to the dates.
2. Add in the pecans and the vanilla extract and pulse everything together.
3. When the contents of the food processor form a dough like substance, transfer the dough to your work surface lined with wax paper.
4. Fold the wax paper over the dough to roll it out to be about a quarter of an inch thick. Use the wax paper to even out the corners of the bars as evenly as possible.
5. Wrap the bars individually in plastic wrap and store in the fridge or freezer.

I am so glad I found these lärabars! They make the most perfect grab and go snack!


  1. Thanks for sharing this article on food processors. Very helpful and informative.
