
Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday Favorites: It's Good to Be Home

There is so much going on around here in the next couple of weeks and I am just bursting at the seams! I cannot wait to share everything with you, because there's a lot to share!! It is a pretty exciting couple of weeks and I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post about it all! Let's get into my favorite parts of this week, shall we?

1. We picked up a box of Simply Balanced Dried Fruit Strips while we were on vacation and I cannot get enough! It is so tough to find snacks that are quick to grab and go while also being healthy, but these are a total win! The ingredients are straight forward (and no added sugar!) and they are yummy as can be! We grabbed 2 boxes at Target last week - one peach and one strawberry and we have been loving them! If you are looking for a delicious back to school snack, you might want to grab a box of these!

And, I have to say, part of the reason I'm sharing this delightful snack is the picture! What on earth on I doing?  One of the friends we go to beach week captures just about everything on camera and apparently I have moments where I model food! I had no idea this picture was being taken but that look on my face says it all - I really do love these snacks! 
2. Did you catch the Bean's recipe on Wednesday? She made brownies that are gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free and completely delicious! I'm so glad she decided to post about them, you can find her recipe HERE. Many clean eating treats can be complicated but these brownies are easy as can be! They mix together in one bowl with no hard to find ingredients! As I am writing this post, the Bean is experimenting with making this recipe into two bite brownies! Fun, right? I will absolutely share how they turn out!
3. While we were in the States, we picked up vegan mayonnaise and it is so good! It's made with grapeseed oil and while I haven't had real mayo in 6+ months, I'm pretty sure this vegannaise tastes just like the real thing! I have been loving this vegannaise with chicken salad sandwiches all week long. I took this picture on Tuesday, but this is what I've had for lunch everyday this week - a chicken salad sandwich with spinach on gluten free bread and carrot sticks with hummus!
4. I made this shirt about a year ago for one of our beach trips and it's still going strong! I absolutely love my cricut and I love doing little personalized projects! I never wear this shirt while I'm at home but it gets a lot of wear if I'm near the ocean! I've been looking through Pinterest for a few other projects, because I always feel really crafty around this time of year! I can't wait to share my recent cricut projects!

5. This weekend we are going blueberry picking! We picked blueberries 2 years ago and it was one of my favorite days of the whole summer! We go to a little picking farm about an hour away from our house and pick for a couple of hours. I think we came home with about 7 pounds of blueberries last time - wild! We keep some in the fridge and we freeze the rest to use in baking. I'll share a post about our blueberry picking day and then I'll likely share a whole bunch of blueberry recipes!

***I'm Linking up with Katie from Cup of Tea, Della from Della Devoted, Tif from Bright on a Budget and Becky from byBMG for High Five for Friday, Andrea from Momfessionals, Narci from Grace and Love blog and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for Five on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for Friday Favorites.

I hope your weekend is full of happy!

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