Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Top 5: Quotes Edition #10

I can't believe I'm sharing my 10th round of quotes. Quotes are one of my all times favorite things. I could scroll through Pinterest for hours on end reading quote after quote! One of my favorite teachers in high school told me that she kept a book of all of her favorite quotes. She suggested I do the same thing to which I said I do, but I keep them on Pinterest not handwritten in a book! I have since learned the immense value of writing things out by hand, so I keep a handwritten book of quotes but Pinterest will always be my favorite little creative space!

This quote so perfectly embodies some of my intentions as of late. It's challenging to react to everything with kindness and to tackle life with a gentle grace, but it's rewarding! I so strive to live more gently and with kindness!
This quote is very similar to the last one, but  it focuses again on kindness. Kindness is so important to me (can you tell?) and while it is important to me I need reminders to choose kindness! I love the gentle reminder so perfectly worded in this quote!
I mean, yes! Just, yes! There is so much going on in our world right now (much of which is straight up frightening!) and my hope for us moving forward is that we all grow towards compassion.
I love Roald Dahl and I love this quote! It's tough to go into something with such gusto, but this quote is a helpful reminder to just go for it!
The other day, the Bean and I heard a song that asked this very question and we had a great conversation about the last time we did something for the first time! My 'first' was eating shrimp! Yes, I ate shrimp for the first time ever recently and I liked it! My family laughed because I said "oh it kinda tastes like a chicken nugget!" Apparently that is not an appropriate way to describe shrimp!

I hope your day is full of happy!

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