Monday, January 27, 2020

Music for Monday: Lennon Stella

Hello blog world! I have been dying to sit down and right a blog post recently - I just miss it so much! The time away to focus on other things is definitely needed but I always love to come back and share it on the blog! I have three posts to share this week, but as always, I'm kicking off the week with music. I have been playing this song over and over lately - I can't get enough.

I know I've posted about Lennon Stella before (and her little sister Maisy!), but this new song might just be my favorite ever. The regular version of this came out in the Fall, but the acoustic version came out more recently and it is the acoustic version that really captured my heart.

Kissing Other People - Lennon Stella

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up on your blog after my vacation - happy to see some new posts!! :)
