Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday Favorites: Cruising Through May

I can hardly believe how fast May is flying by! Summer really does feel right around the corner and there are some exciting things on the horizon - the Bean has her dance show soon, I have a bridal shower to attend and I'm graduating in a couple of weeks! As I am writing this post it is pouring outside. Like a serious downfall and I am loving every minute of it. There is a special place in my heart for Spring rainfall. Let's take a look back on the best parts of this week, shall we? 

My Mom used to make this AMAZING french toast casserole every year on Christmas morning. But, it was loaded with eggs, dairy, gluten and sugar - lots and lots of sugar! I thought our Christmas morning would be a little sad without french toast but my Mom found this vegan french toast recipe and it totally saved Christmas :) I was craving french toast on Monday and this made the most perfect breakfast! I have a few recipes lined up to share, that I promise will go up eventually - once I can figure out how to balance this whole blogging while packing and moving thing!
The Bean is pour resident brownie maker and she absolutely nails these brownies every time! This brownie recipe is free from gluten, dairy, eggs and refined sugar but you would never know. They seriously taste just like a legit brownie - I would even say they're better than a 'real' brownie. The Bean made these on Monday and they made the best after dinner treat all week long! You can find the Bean's brownie recipe HERE

The Bean has become much more independent in the kitchen, especially recently. She no longer tries to microwave milk for "just 5 minutes" or needs help converting and understanding measurements. She made the brownies on Monday completely on her own, with just one little snag - locating my blog. She called me for help and said "I can't find your blog anywhere." I made a few suggestions but then went to help her. It turns out she was having a hard time finding my blog because she was searching 'Connecticut in the Kitchen.' I'm assuming she got autocorrected and didn't realize it but watch out blog world, I might just end up re-branding ;)
Our renovation kind of happens in waves - it felt like nothing was happening for the longest time and then all of a sudden everything looks different. This week was a big one - all of the drywall and plaster was done so now it looks like a real house. We're getting ready to move over into the new build so that the original house can be re-done. Lots of packing and moving on the horizon!
And since we're talking packing, I had to share this fun find from this week. In moving around old boxes from storage we have found so many of my old school things including this gem. This was in the '1998-1999' folder so I was 2 when this piece of art was done. What cracked me up the most is that my preschool teacher wrote 'a pumpkin.' I mean, isn't it obvious? I've loved finding little pieces of my 'her-story' in this move. As much as the packing isn't always fun, finding these little gems are so fun!

***I'm Linking up with Katie from Cup of Tea, Della from Della Devoted, Tif from Bright on a Budget and Becky from byBMG for High Five for Friday, Andrea from Momfessionals, Narci from Grace and Love blog and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites, April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for Five on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for Friday Favorites.

Happy weekend :)

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