Monday, May 15, 2017

Music for Monday: Sarah Harmer

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a great song by Sarah Harmer called Dandelions and Bullet Holes. Well, since then, all I've done is listen to Sarah Harmer!! So, today I'm sharing some of that I have been loving lately!
Basement Apartment - Sarah Harmer
I have very clear memories of sitting in the back seat of my parents' car while singing this song at the top of my lungs. This song came out the year I was born, so I may have come out of the womb singing this!

Around this Corner - Sarah Harmer
This song has also been a long time favorite of mine! The Bean used to ask to hear this song over and over again when she was so little! One of the lines in this song is 'knowing me you've been bad is one of the worst feelings I ever had' and The Bean used to call the song 'Noémie you've been bad.' Last night, when I told her I was blogging about Sarah Harmer and told her which songs I was including she said "what about Noémie you've been bad!?" So this song will always be referred to as that in my house!
Open Window - Sarah Harmer
 This song is just too beautiful to not include!

I'm off to pack some cookies up! I feel like I pack cookies on the daily! Have a great Monday :)

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